
WSC 2016


With the Release of the new wonderful theme an Imperfect World, The Blog creator(s) get indulged in the construction of the new site.. The New blog would've the following improvements:
1) Something which people Object all around the world about the blog is that the blog is just a copy-paste from Wiki and other sources , Thus the in the incoming session we would provide you with concluding notes as well

2) While Sharing the topics Daniel always use to say that the theme 'CONNECTS 6 topics from....' , aaand Thus we'll have connection tab (though we planned it in 2015 itself but weren't able to make it)

3) For suggesting more improvements kindly give feedback in the "Give Feedback" section beside.

(and Yaah this time we'll also be having a Fundraiser where people like you can become a Philanthropist and fund the creator[who had a wonderful score @ the Patna Round 2015] to the Global Round 2016 )

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